I worked for many years as a self-employed natural cosmetician with Dr. Hauschka and later with Martina Gebhardt. In addition I worked for Just Nature, Cologne as a natural cosmetics consultant for brands such as The Organic Pharmacy, Pharmos, Oliveda, Santaverde, Annemarie Börlind and many more.
I have been working as a naturopath since 2004 and have worked in healthcare for Unity Care in the "GesundSein Cologne/Bonn Airport" project. As a naturopath, my program includes various healing methods and massages, such as Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy, Chakra-puncture and Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Today I work as a branch manager at
Sanitätshaus Blu GmbH in Waiblingen.
Upon request, I offer treatments on Saturdays in Stuttgart. Other locations and times will be announced via my newsletter.
"My aim is to return to the way of being that honors and respects our origins and to a way of life that enables us to have more health, joy and well-being based on energetic quality and integrity and harmonious coexistence."

Appointments by arrangement only.
Appointment requests are welcome by e-mail using the contact form or
via WhatsApp or Threema.
Naturheilpraxis im Westen
Claudiusstr. 17b
70193 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0) 176 2708 8181