Energetic Facial Release
Facial Massage and
Sacred Esoteric Healing
We hold a lot of tension in our facial muscles when we try to "save face" every day. We often use our facial muscles as a mask, for example by smiling to appear friendly, "putting on a brave face" to avoid offending others and to gain recognition, or by looking grim to express more authority or our displeasure.
Even when we exert ourselves, the facial muscles become tense, we often hold our jaw tight, grit our teeth or squint our eyes. This tension can become a permanent condition and some people cannot let go of it even when they are sleeping.
The Energetic Facial Release helps to gently release the facial muscles and thereby gives the facial features their natural expression back. This relaxation can have a positive effect on the shoulders and neck, the head area and the entire body.
Cost: €70 / 60 mins. €35 / 30 mins.

The esoteric massage is a very gentle, deep-acting massage that is carried out on the skin using a specially designed cream and a little oil. Essential oils can be used if required.
Kidney Massage
When you simply need a boost of energy due to tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue, sleep disorders or other deficits.
And when it's time to return to your full inner greatness, like when you feel you held yourself back or made yourself small for long enough.
Calf Massage
When it's time to move forward and you need acceleration because you feel like you're holding back in your life and not coming out of your shell or you feel it would be good to step out of your comfort zone.
Arm Massage
To support flow in your expression and when it's time to give up control and really let go in order to experience that feeling of being carried and held.
Back Massage
The back massage offers a re-alignment when life seems burdensome and you feel like you are carrying too much "baggage" around with you, like issues from your childhood or the past.
Cost: €70 / 60 min.

Facials with dermaviduals® products
The number of people with problem skin is constantly increasing. They need sound, dermatologically oriented advice, but above all a skin care concept that is tailored to their individual skin condition.
The name dermaviduals® stands for preparations that on the one hand support the prevention of problem skin and on the other hand are able to care for existing problem skin and fundamentally improve its condition. dermaviduals® are also ideal for the skin care of normal and young skin. They are particularly useful for maintaining the skin's natural protective barrier and preventing premature skin aging.
You can find more information about the products here:
dermaviduals ®
Cost: €80 / 60 mins. €98 / 90 mins.
My approach
I practice the Universal Medicine therapies founded by Serge Benhayon.
I am not only referring to body, mind and soul, but to all universal dimensions which we are connected with and are our origins.
What does this mean?
There is an inner world that we have forgotten and/or turned away from because of all the external distractions. If we allow ourselves to listen in the inner silence and explore the depths within us, we regain access to everything that is divine and magnificent and of which we are a part of.
This is available to everyone, even if it may be buried in one or the other. The divine essence can be experienced in each of us, it only requires the willingness to uncover the things that are not in harmony with this essence and the devotion to open up to what is our natural truth.

Unimedliving - Online Publications: Redefining the True Meaning of Health and Wellbeing
True to you - Youth Magazine and Online Support Groups
The School of The Livingness
Drawings, videos and words on the topic of Livingness